When Coal Was King: An Introduction to Anthracite Mining and Culture in Pennsylvania
January 26 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Anthracite coal mined in Pennsylvania propelled the American Industrial Revolution and pushed our nation into its modern form. Although most of the men and women who made the Mines run are gone and largely forgotten, they left their mark on the world around us. This lecture will help guests understand the mines, miners, their legacy and how anthracite is still prevalent in our daily life whether we know it or not.
The talk will be given by Robert Homyak, an aspiring historian from the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania and current sophomore at Moravian University majoring in History and Historical Studies. He has lived in the coal region his entire life and has amassed four generations of knowledge of the mines and their inner workings. The presentation will use images and artifacts from his personal and family collection as well as coal region historical societies. “I see the knowledge of the coal region being lost daily and want to preserve it the best I can. ”
On January 26th, the National Museum of Industrial History is offering free admission from 10am-5pm. This program is free to the public.