About Us

Located in the heart of Downtown Bethlehem, the Southside Arts District (SSAD) is a revitalization initiative of the Bethlehem Economic Development Corporation. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to improve the economic conditions for businesses and institutions located in the core business district of South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Formally organized in 2015 in partnership with Lehigh University and the Bethlehem Economic Development Corporation, the SouthSide Arts District follows the nationally recognized Main Street Four-Point Approach from the National Main Street Program, with volunteer based committees focused on the Organization, Promotion, Design and Economic Vitality of South Bethlehem.
Our Mission
The SouthSide Arts District’s mission is to build upon the community's entrepreneurial, cultural, and artistic heritage to support economic development for the businesses of South Bethlehem..
Our Vision
To be recognized as the most dynamic and welcoming place in the Lehigh Valley where existing businesses thrive and where new business launch.
Annual Report 2024-2025
If you want to get the full scoop on what we do, check out our latest annual report!